Sample address lists

Sample data for geocoding

Ready to geocode but missing a list of addresses to try your script? We got you covered. The lists are relatively small (100 to 1000 lines). For customers we can provide larger lists for benchmarking.

Data is under permissive licenses. See end of page for sources.


100 coordinate pairs (latitude, longitude) in populated areas.



100 full postal addresses

70b Rue des Violettes, 68400 Riedisheim, France
16 Rue Alfred de Vigny, 16000 Angoulême, France
37 Impasse de la Motte, 62650 Clenleu, France
27 Avenue René Gourinchas, 87170 Isle, France

Postal codes

100 postal codes and country names from Europe.

4328 RR, Netherlands
242 93, Sweden
48442, Lithuania
PO33 3BT, United Kingdom


200 city names with ISO country code in english language.

Jakarta, ID
Riyadh, SA
Phoenix, US
Tijuana, MX


50-500 addresses of shops.

Thorbeckeplein 21, 6641CB, Beuningen, Nederlands
De Ziel 2, 3751BT, Bunschoten, Nederlands
Raadhuisstraat 133, 4631ND, Hoogerheide, Nederlands
Sniederslaan 53A, 5531EH, Bladel, Nederlands


Coordinates, addresses, postcodes are based on OpenStreetMap data. They're a non-sustantial extract and don't fall under share-alike clause of the ODbL.

Cities are extracted from Geonames - CC-BY-4.0

Shop addresses are based on AllThePlaces - Public domain license (CC-0).

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